I received a very intriguing box today from the folks at Glenfiddich Explorers.
But, as it said on the label, there is a catch. A very big catch indeed. Big and brass.
Attached to the splendid box was a very sturdy looking big brass combination padlock!
So, what to do?
Obviously reach for the hacksaw, chainsaw, bench saw, flame thrower, anything heavy in fact to which I can attack said beefy padlock and wrench nice looking box open to reveal the Glenfiddich goodies inside.
Fortunately reason stepped in before I could step on the box and I noticed the back of the label attached to the padlock. It said to keep a sharp eye on my Inbox today to find out more.
So I did and I received the first of four clues for my efforts.
Apparently I’m one of 10 bloggers to receive this fiendish box from Glenfiddich and each of us have received a combination code to unlock someone elses box, but not mine!
Clue Number 1 which will unlock MY box is as follows:-
Look out for a blog that has 1,510 members on Facebook.
All I have to do is contact them and ask them for the code they are holding from Glenfiddich. Easy huh?
Right, well I haven’t got a clue but I now need to do some serious looking.
If anyone has got any ideas then do let me know. I can only stand so much anticipation …. and the chainsaw is poised as we speak …
See you tomorrow for clue number 2.