The second GLENGOYNE CHRISTMAS FOOD & WHISKY FESTIVALdue to take place on SATURDAY 4th DECEMBER 2010 has been cancelled due to bad weather conditions.
Stuart Hendry, Brand and Development Manager for Glengoyne said: “Unfortunately we have had to cancel our 2010 Food and Whisky Festival due to access and safety concerns arising from the bad weather conditions. Suppliers and stall holders are currently unable to reach the distillery and we are anticipating that the conditions will not improve sufficiently before the weekend. Safety of our visitors is paramount and, regrettably, the only option is to cancel the event.”
“The distillery team are extremely disappointed not to be able to go ahead with what has proven in the past to be a hugely popular event, for local people and those further afield. A lot of work had gone into organising the event and we are sad to be missing an opportunity to showcase the great range of like-minded local suppliers of food, drink and crafts and create that magical Christmas atmosphere.”
Despite the addition of extra heated areas and indoor parking the conditions around the distillery and car park have been judged as not practical to host large crowds. It is hoped the event will take place again in December 2011.
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